Sunday, April 17, 2011

No Taste for Aswad

My Ahmedabadi family took me to Adalaj Vav and Gandhi's Sabarmati Ashram.  The Ashram and attached museum describe life in the Ashram and chronicl the events of his life.  In Ganhi's "experiments with truth" be set increasingly demanding personal expectations for himself and his followers.  In the rules he set forth for the members of the ashram he forbade sexual contact, the consumption in meat or liquor, and aswad, the control of the pallate, using food only as medicine and not indulging in spices and flavoring.

The most exciting and always satisfying part of Indian culture that I've been reveling in is the food.  To deny yourself the culinary masterpieces that are India's cultural heritage is missing the greatest part of the Indian experience.  Each region has it's one cuisine and each town is famous for some specific food.  That being said, I am dying for some crispy vegetables.  Just about everything is cooked until soft and tender, which is necessary to get the spices and flavors to meld, but I miss the individual taste and bite of vegetables.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

love the photo of you on the edge- escher-esque!